🕵️ New Details on JFK Assassination from Former Secret Service Agent

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Hop in, buckle up, and let's cruise through the fast-paced highway of news - packed with joy, thrills, humor, mysteries, and sexiness. Get ready, set, read!

🗓️ Back on September 13, 1990, the very first episode of "Law & Order" aired. It's kinda wild to think that this was the starting point for what would become one of the longest-running TV dramas in history, spawning a bunch of spin-offs and basically setting a gold standard for crime shows. It's got that iconic "dun-dun" sound that practically everyone can recognize, and it's been a launchpad for many acting careers too! Quite the legacy for just another day in September, right?

🕵️ New Details on JFK Assassination from Former Secret Service Agent

President John F. Kennedy, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connally, and others smile at the crowds lining their motorcade route in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. Minutes later the President was assassinated as his car passed through Dealey Plaza. Getty Images

Paul Landis, a former U.S. Secret Service agent who was present during the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, has recently shared his growing skepticism regarding the widely accepted Warren Commission's single-bullet theory. Previously believing Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole perpetrator, Landis now questions this, citing discrepancies between his own recollections of the tragic day in Dallas, 1963, and the official findings of the commission.

Landis recalled finding a bullet in the seat where Kennedy had been and taking it with him to prevent it from getting lost or taken as a souvenir, later placing it on Kennedy's hospital gurney. He theorizes that this bullet might have actually fallen from Kennedy's back and later mistakenly associated with injuries sustained by Texas Governor John Connally. Despite holding onto this information for nearly 60 years, Landis emphasizes that his intention isn't to stir up conspiracy theories but to share his personal account as someone who was on the ground that day. Landis plans to delve deeper into this topic in his forthcoming memoir, giving people a glimpse into his firsthand experience and possibly shedding new light on an event that has puzzled the nation for decades. (Source)

💎 World's Most Expensive iPhone Unveiled by Caviar

Source: odditycentral

Russian luxury smartphone customization company Caviar has unveiled its latest creation: the iPhone Diamond Snowflake, which stands as the priciest iPhone to date even before the official launch of the iPhone 15. This lavish version takes the iPhone to another level, boasting a shell crafted from 18K white gold and adorned with a staggering 570 diamonds. But the real highlight is the incorporation of the Snowflake Graff necklace pendant — a luxurious piece designed by renowned English jeweler Graff — made of platinum, white gold, and additional inlaid diamonds. This ultra-exclusive handset will set buyers back a cool $562,700.

Despite not offering any spec upgrades, with the modifications being purely aesthetic, the Diamond Snowflake promises unmatched exclusivity for the uber-rich. Caviar hasn't revealed how many of these dazzling phones will be available, but based on their past releases, it is anticipated to be no more than three. Over its tenure, Caviar has been known for crafting some of the world's most extravagant phones, including a gold-plated iPhone 7 and an iPhone 13 Pro that featured a T-Rex tooth; yet, their latest creation takes opulence to new heights. (Source)

💰 Elderly Scam Victim Receives Full Reimbursement from ANZ Bank

Source: goodnewsnetwork

In an act of corporate responsibility, ANZ bank in Australia has decided to fully reimburse an elderly customer who fell victim to a scam, losing nearly AUD$500,000 - practically his entire life savings.

78-year-old Alex Shaw, who was recently diagnosed with dementia, had been deceived by scammers who convinced him to share his bank details. This led to the criminals emptying Shaw's bank account, which held the savings he had accumulated over his lifetime. Following an inquiry, ANZ bank acknowledged that they could have identified and prevented the scam before Shaw lost his funds.

In a surprising turn of events, and contrary to the general outcome in such cases, ANZ agreed to reimburse the entire amount stolen - AUD$460,174.04 - recognizing Shaw's vulnerability and the impact the scam had on him.

The story came to light through Shaw's son Victor, who shared that his father had managed to take detailed notes during his interactions with the scammers, even jotting down the methods they used, which included persuading Shaw to buy Apple store gift cards and sending the serial numbers to a phone number in Thailand.

Despite the fraud detection system at ANZ initially blocking the account following large transfers to an unknown offshore bank account, the scammers guided Shaw in reactivating his account, eventually draining it entirely.

Victor urged others to ensure the financial security of relatives experiencing dementia or cognitive decline, highlighting the importance of putting protective measures in place. Following this incident, Victor has set up power of attorney over his father’s account to prevent such an event from occurring in the future.

In a world where scam victims rarely see their lost funds again, ANZ's decision to reimburse Shaw fully stands as a remarkable instance of corporate responsibility, demonstrating a commitment to safeguarding the well-being of their customers. (Source)

📸 Feast Your Eyes on Today's Stunning Snapshot Series: The Ever-Gorgeous Cardi B

Did you know Cardi B has a thing for politics? It might come as a bit of a surprise given her music career, but she's super into government and has even said she was super passionate about political science back in her school days. In fact, she's not shy about diving into political conversations on her social media, and she's even had some public exchanges with politicians including Bernie Sanders. It's kind of cool to think about her potentially swapping the stage for the political arena someday, right? Anyway, yeah, she's got a political bug, and she's not afraid to show it!

Let's get right back to the main event we've all been waiting for: those smoking hot Cardi B Instagram pictures!

Smiling celebs

Can you guess the celeb behind the smile?

Source: offthecusp

Psst! The answer you're seeking is hiding at the bottom of the newsletter, so scroll down but not to fast 👇

 Quote of the day

Hey there, ace detective! I've got a little challenge for you today. Do you think you can sleuth out the source of this quote?

“Damned alligator just popped up, cut me down in my prime. He got me, but I tore one of that bastard’s eyes out though.”

Source: Google Images

Psst! The answer you're seeking is hiding at the bottom of the newsletter, so scroll down but not to fast 👇

Chart of the day

Visualizing Google’s Search Engine Market Share (Source)

Hit the picture to supersize it and save your peepers a strain 👇

Source: visualcapitalist

🔍Guess the Celeb Challenge!

Get your celebrity detective hats on because it's time for a game of "Can you guess this 🔥celeb?"

Source: Twitter

🎭 Yo, peeps! Time for the joke of the day!

Source: Pinterest

📰 Want to know what else is going down in this Wild World of ours?

  • OneCoin Co-Founder Karl Greenwood Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison (Source)

  • Some Tesla engineers secretly started designing a Cybertruck alternative because they 'hated' the original concept, according to the new Elon Musk biography (Source)

🎥 Check out this captivating YouTube video on Stephen Hawking

If you are not inspired by this, I don't know what will!

🔎 Answer to the quote challenge

“Damned alligator just popped up, cut me down in my prime. He got me, but I tore one of that bastard’s eyes out though.” —Chubbs Peterson, Happy Gilmore

Source: Google Images

Celeb smile

Taylor Swift 👇

Source: offthecusp

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